Amalgamation Sunday

St James & St Lukes Together

28th July 9am or 6pm, St Lukes

19 Burton St, Concord 2137

Service followed by Morning Tea
Please note there will be no services
at St James Croydon this Sunday
To accommodate everyone coming we have broken down the parking options into 3 zones (1-3: closest-farthest). The onsite parking is insufficient to cater for everyone at St James coming to St Lukes. Choosing which zone to park in is an opportunity for you to bless others. Please leave the areas closer to St Lukes for those who may have greater access needs (Ie mobility, families with little children).  
  • Zone 1 – onsite parking – approximately 15 car spots
  • Zone 2 – street parking – Burton st, Loftus st, surrounding streets
  • Zone 3 – offsite parking (furthest distance) – Concord community centre, Cintra Park tennis and sport centre, Cintra hockey complex

Kids and Youth Ministry - 9am service

We are running kids and youth ministry for Creche to year 9. Kids and Youth will go straight to their program due to available space in the church. We will have leaders at the entrance to the church to show parents/kids/youth where to go. Pickup of kids will be from the church hall where morning tea is located. 

  • Creche (0-2 years) to year 6 – Church hall

  • Morning Youth – in the rectory next door